
Amy Bradley Story on "Vanished".

Amy at 23, May 1998On May 23, 2011 “Vanished with Beth Holloway” aired on Lifetime. The program chronicles the behind the scenes backstories of people that go missing. Most episodes have two stories in one hour, Amy’s story takes the whole hour. I was able to find 5 parts of the video on YouTube and they are embedded below. Please watch this and share the story.

My account of what happened to me.

My video of Amy and the suspect.

This is the message that I received from my friend Iva Bradley, Amy’s mother.

We wanted to let all of you know that on Monday, May 23rd at 10 pm EST on Lifetime Network there will be an hour program about our daughter, Amy Lynn Bradley.  The name of the show is ‘Vanished with Beth Holloway’.  We are blessed that Amy’s program is an hour. Please email your family and friends.  Please post this information on your FB page.  If some of you have email addresses of friends of Amy, please make sure they get this message.

We are asking for prayers for a significant lead to help us find Amy.  

Thank you for always caring and always asking if we have news.

With high hopes….Ron, Iva and Brad Bradley and extended family 



Amy Bradley on Vanished - Part 1

Amy Bradley on Vanished - Part 2

Amy Bradley on Vanished - Part 3

Amy Bradley on Vanished - Part 4

Amy Bradley on Vanished - Part 5


Useless Machine, Epic Battle

Useless Machine Epic Battle - Watch more Funny Videos

You gotta watch this till the end… its funny.


After Effects Text Animators

This video embed was removed because apparently the people who posted it nicked it from someone else… NOT COOL people!!

Ok, so… I’ve been trying to figure out the Text Animators for awhile… because, well… I’m a dope and I don’t get it. So I did a quick youtube search and found this video. I learned more about the Text Animators from this in 4 minutes then I’ve figured out on my own in years. I felt it was a crime its only had 33 views as of May 7, 2011. Lets see how many views it gets now. Its very clearly explained.

UPDATE… you know… it is pathological that some people can steal with NO guilt. It is amazing that people do it and think there is NOTHING wrong with it. After posting a video I stumbled upon on YouTube and commenting how great a tutorial it was, I got a couple posts saying that it belonged to someone else… so, I’ve removed the embed code.

Which is interesting… because… i’m wondering if my embed of the video maybe helps the original owner find who was nicking their stuff… anyway. After Effects Text Animators are a bitch and I DO NOT fully understand them… Me thinks its time for me to do my OWN tutorial on them.

Have  great day everyone.


Tutorial - RAD Tip from Canon 5D Tips

This is an INSANELY cool tip if you have ever lost your install disk for your Canon Camera but need to install the software. Canon, in the infinite wisdom, have decided that allow you to download the actual program would be a bad idea so they only allow you to download an “updater”. This tip from shows how to hack the update installer so you can install the full software package from the update installer.


Tutorial - Renaming Files with Adobe Bridge

Camera file names are basically worthless. Good media management requires you do something to those names so they are of use to you in post. Here is my technique for changing file names so that they are more friendly and ‘play well with others’.