Amy Bradley is missing.

Please watch the Bradley’s Story on “Vanished”
My involvement with Amy Bradley
[Last Updated 7/27/2001]
I have finally made the video mentioned in this story publicly available on YouTube. You can see it here.

My name is Chris Fenwick. I am a television director and video editor. In the spring of 1998 I was working for a corporate client on “The Rapsody of the Seas”, a Royal Carribean cruise ship. My job was to produce an entertaining video for my client. The video was to be shown on the last night of the cruise.
I had one camera man working with me that came with us from California and we also paid Royal Carribean for the partial use of their staff video engineer. His name was Steve.
Because of the nature of editing in this short turn around environment I spent nearly the entire duration of the cruise in my cabin working. When I tell people that I was workin for 10 days at sea on a cruise ship they always assume it is just a “walk in the park”, however, it really was a difficult week, very hard work and LONG hours.
Wednesday March 24, 1998 Morning
On Wednesday morning rumours and stories began to circulate around the ship that some girl had committed suicide. We heard these stories from Steve, the crew member who was working with us. As sad as the story is of a young woman being on a cruise in the Carribean and still decided that she needed to end her life was, I still had a whole lot of work to do. I couldn’t really be distracted by this news.
Steve (in Black with the video camera) and Bob Briggs the Director/Camera Operator who came from California
Thursday March 25th, 1998
On or about Thursday afternoon I decided to take Steve up on his offer to come and see his edit suite that was on board the ship. Being kind of a “gear slut” I’m always interested in equipment used in my industry. During my short visit to see Steve in his edit suite, he casually informed me that he had been instructed by ship security to make sure that there were no images of the missing girl in his “Cruise Video”, the type of videotape that you would buy at the end of your cruise showing all the great things that you had done all week on board.
Thursday afternoon someone came by and posted a flyer on my door while I was working. It was a yellow piece of paper, as I remember (could have been white) that had a photo of the missing girl. Her name was Amy Bradley. I put the flyer in my room but continued to work.

I had two computer systems and an edit system in my stateroom.
Somehow by Thursday evening I had heard that maybe she had not commited suicide but there was a possibility that she was abducted. There was even a suspect. His name was “Yellow” obviously a nick name, but he was the Bass Player in one of the ship bands. I am not sure where I came across this information, although it was probably through Steve and his inside, behind the scenes contacts.
The reason I remember this is that at sometime late Thursday evening I took a break from my work to go to the disco on the 11th deck of the boat and have a soda and watch the people dance. I remember seeing Yellow around the disco and I vividly remember thinking, “wow, there is that guy that they think took the girl, he looks kind of creapy”.
I went back to my room to work more.
Friday March 26th,1998 - 3AM
Sometime later that night, probably around 3AM, I took another walk to stretch my legs. It was not unusual for me to work all night and sleep during the day. While I was standing on the 8th deck, my deck, looking over the large center atrium of the boat, I witnessed 2 young girls, probably around 19 or 20 years old, walk toward the stern of the boat on the starboard side. Minutes later a young man ran from where the women had walked toward the bow of the boat.
Soon, a woman with blonde hair and another gentleman and at least one man from Royal Caribean began to congregate on what may have been the 6th deck across from where I was standing. They began to question the 2 young girls. It was around this time time that it became obvious to me that the people I was watching was the family of the missing girl.
I was curious as to why this meeting was taking place in the middle of the night and being wide awake I decided to eavesdrop to find out what I could. Apparently the 2 girls had seen Amy Bradley, the missing girl, during the early morning hours of the day she vanished. They were trying to find out anything and everything that the two girls had seen.
What I witnessed was the older woman was immensly distraught. I over heard her saying, “please, think very carfully did you see anything else? Are you sure you didn’t hear anything else, are you sure you didn’t see anything else.” The poor women was so frantic I just remember everyone trying to get her to calm down and be cool. Later I found out her name was Iva Bradley.
After seeing the frantic nature of the woman it kind of “put the humanity” on the story for me. It dawned on me that the woman had disappeared on Tuesday morning and we had heard that she had been in the disco on Monday night, if that was the case, we were in the disco with one of our cameras on Monday night. Maybe I had some video of Amy in my room on one of my video tapes.
I returned to my room and began scanning through tapes that would have been shot on that night. Amazingly enough on the last tape of the night and the last shot on the tape, there was indeed a shot of Amy dancing on the dance floor, the part that was really creepy to me was that the shot revealed that Amy was dancing with Yellow, the man that was suspected of having something to do with her disappearence.
Immediately I got out a blank BetaSP tape, a broadcast tape format and made a component level dub of the master tape showing Amy dancing with Yellow. I wrote my name and room number on the tape lable and put it in a box. I then returned to the location of the early morning meeting between the crew and the Bradley family and the 2 young girls. There was a man there but the meeting had broken up.
Friday Morning about 4AM
I approached this man and asked if he was part of the Bradley family. He informed me that he was a good friend of the family. I told him my story and how I came to have this tape in my possesion and told him that I would gladly meet with the family if they wished to see the tape in my room. The man told me that he would take care of it and thanked me for the help. It was now somewhere around 4AM.
I returned to my room to sleep.
Friday Morning about 9AM
Later that morning I went to where breakfast was being served and witnessed the Bradleys and the man I gave the tape to having breakfast together. I was dying to know if the Bradleys wanted to see the tape but I didn’t want to impose on their time. They were visibly distraught. However the man I gave the tape to walked away from the table for a moment and I approached him and asked if he had given the tape to the family. At that time he told me that he had given the video tape of Amy dancing with Yellow to the authorities.
Friday Afternoon
This is where the story gets really interesting to me.
Mid afternoon on Friday, while I was in my room working, I recieved a phone call. The man on the phone told me his name was Lou Costello, I probably made some sort of joke about “Abbott and…”. He asked me if, “I was the guy with the video tape of the missing girl” I told him that yes, I was. At that point he told me that he was going to have to get that tape from me. I informed him that there was no way I was going to give up my master tapes. I never give away master tapes and that besides that, it was on a tape format that I’m sure he didn’t have access to (afterall, I had seen the on board edit facilities) and that I would be glad to make a broadcast quality dub of the tape if he liked. He then informed me that the FBI were involved in this and that they would want the original tapes. I told him that if that was the case and the FBI wanted my master tapes then they would have to contact me.
I also informed Mr. Costello that “the entire reason for me being on his boat was to finish editing the tape that needed to air that night at midnight in the ship theater”. I would be done with my duties around 12:30 AM and I would be glad to help him or make copies or whatever at that time. However, would he please allow me the time that I needed to finish my job. At that, I believe Mr. Costello said he would be in contact with me later and he hung up.
That was the last that I heard from Mr. Costello.
I finished my job, I packed my equipment, and the next day I got off the boat in San Juan, Puerto Rico and went home to San Francisco.
Months Later
Months Later, maybe 4 to 6 months later, after telling the story of the missing girl to everyone I knew it occured to me that no one had ever called to get the master tapes that Lou Costello had insisted that the FBI was going to need. So I took it upon myself to call the FBI. I have no recollection of what office I called or who I talked to but someone took a message that I had video tape of dancing with the person that was believed to be involved in her disappearance. The person who took the message informed me that it would be forwarded to the officers in charge of the case.
At that point I felt that I had done everything that I could do.
December 1998
Somewhere around December of 1998 I watched the story of Amy Bradly on America’s Most Wanted on television, I was somewhat surprised that they did not show the tape that I had supplied to “the authorities” thru the man that was a friend of the Bradleys.
Summer 1999
Then in the summer of 1999, Amy Bradley’s story was again on TV but this time it was on Unsolved Mysteries. After the segment aired my older brother called me and asked if I had seen the piece and wondered why the video that I had was not part of the story. I informed that I had no idea.
Unknown to me, my brother had called the Unsolved Mysteries hotline and asked about the video tape and wondered if they knew about it’s existence.
A few days later my brother got a call from Iva Bradley, the mother of Amy. She talked with him and he informed her of some of the details of my story and Iva asked if she could talk with me.
Soon Iva Bradley and I were talking on the phone.
After hearing some of the ordeal and the pain that she and her family were going through I told them that I would do what I could to help.
I found out that the man that I had given the tape to was Mike McCord. Mike is Ron Bradley’s boss, Ron is Amy’s father. The Bradleys were on a business trip that was a perk to the sales people in their company. Mike McCord apparently had given my tape to one of the FBI officers that was handling Amy’s disappearence. It was the last time that copy of the tape was seen.
My Own Commentary.
The images on the tape are interesting and quite frankly kind of creepy, however the pictures are not the most interesting thing about the video tape. What is more interesting is the tapes story, it’s journey, and it’s eventual disappearance.
I gave the tape to Mike McCord. Mike tells us he gave the tape to the FBI. Twelve hours later I get a phone call from Lou Costello, head of security. Lou Costello is head of SHIP security, but he has no connection, officially with the FBI.
Mike McCord gave the tape to an FBI agent. It has never been seen since.
Why is it that Lou Costello is doing the work of the FBI trying to get the original tapes from me?
Why wouldn’t the FBI send an agent to my room if it was so important?
Better yet ask yourself this question.
Why does Lou Costello even know about the tapes that I have?
Why is the FBI talking with the head of security about details of the case?
The FBI is pretty adament about not sharing details of a case that is in progress.
I also find it highly suspicious that Steve the ship video guy was instructed to remove all the images of Amy in the video that he was editing. Granted it would be kind of a downer for you to show your travel video to someone and then say, “Oh yea, that there is the girl who vanished on board.” The fact that the request came from security and not a PR person is wierd, at least it is to me.
In the summer of 1999 I made another copy of the tape for the Bradleys. I have spoken with Iva several times over the last few years.
Everyone always askes me, “Did they ever find Amy Bradley?”. The answer, tragically is no. There have been some very credible sightings by people who made positive ID’s of Amy. The family has been swindled out of tons of money by people who prey on these types of victims. It really is a sad state of affairs.
If you want more information about Amy Bradley there are TONS of things online about her. I would suggest you go to and search for “Amy Bradley”.
Reader Comments (63)
Whatever happened to the original master of missing Amy?
I have have the original master, the one I never gave away... i've been thru it multiple times and shared it with the family.
It has since been seen by many people and there is definitely footage of her dancing with the Bass player from the on board band... and I have to say, and everyone who has seen it says... it looks creepy.
But the real issue is Amy... its important to support her family and to raise awareness that CRUISE SHIPS ARE NOT SAFE...
at all...
What I would like to know is where is this man they called Yellow and why are the FBI not making a big issue about this man? Why are we not hearing more about this man? Where is that band now? Are they still together? Can anyone find any single memeber of the band and question them about this man called Yellow? Who is this man and where was he from? Why isn't the FBI requesting another copy of this video from you? Why is it that if the FBI is so on to this case they are not all over you trying to get a copy of this tape? Are you not afraid to post all of this online? Are you not afraid for your life that someone might get a hold of all the details that you have posted online? Someone above named Chuck asked you whatever happened to the original master of missing Amy .... you answer that you have it.... and you also state that "it looks creepy".... What do you mean? How is this video "creepy".... you don't really say what you mean by "creepy".... do you mean he is an odd looking person or is it how they were dancing or what? I don't get it!
I also would like to know why there has never been a photo or even your video to be released to the public to help find this man since he seems to be involved in all of this?
OK, "me", you asked a lot of questions... let me see if I can address some of them.
"Yellow" - I don't know what happened to him. Although there were witnesses that saw him take Amy up to the upper deck disco in the early hours of the morning when the disco was closed, and then leave without her, I don't know if he was ever 'held". I think he was questioned but the reason nothing was ever done is the real focus of my rage... People go on cruises and they THINK they are safe but there is virtually no laws that apply at sea. The cruise companies have no incentive to make a big deal of these things they want to sweep all this under the carpet. But the short answer is, I don't know what has happened to Yellow or the band.
"The FBI" - You'd have to ask the FBI why they are not more interested in the video tape. I would think they could be at my door requesting it. The Head of Ship security CLAIMED the FBI required the tape and yet they never came by to get it. So apparently the head of security was lying to me... Which does not surprise me considering HIS livelihood depends on the cruise line continuing to do business and if it gets out that you may be the victim of a kidnapping if you go on a cruise ship, people may not go on cruises.
"Am I afraid?" - Maybe. But I know Iva Bradley, Amy's mother. She and I have developed a bit of a friendship over the years because of this tragedy and I speak up and ad my voice to that of the entire Bradley family. Also, for me to keep quite means "they" win... I want to tell this story and I absolutely HATE IT when I hear that people I know and love are spending money on cruises. I would rather be 'right' and afraid then wrong and comfortable.
I have a question for you "me"... are you threatening me? Why don't you use your real name?
"Creepy" I do not post the video out of respect to the Bradley family. When I say it looks 'creepy' I mean it is scary to watch them dance, (and he does dance weird) and realize that this was just hours before she would disappear forever. Tragedy does not even begin to describe what it is.
If Iva and the family want me to post the video in its entirety, I will gladly do so... I'm going to email them right now.
Threatening you? What did I say that would give you any idea that I would be threatening you? I don't use my name on anything online because as we are all well awere there are "creeps" doing "creepy" things out there every place they can. But this is what I will say.... I do find it strange that no one knows anything about "Yellow" or where he went. People are not talking about Yellow and I find this more "creepy" than anything. There hasn't been enough done about the last person she was seen with her Chris!!!!! And this I don't understand!!!! I have seen the video on youtube from America's Most Wanted and I believe that they said she changed clothing before she left right? She took her cigarettes and lighter. Me, as a smoker never leaves home wtihout the smokes and lighter no matter where I am going.........even to drive to a neighbors. Last thing on my way out the door that I grab every single time. You have to realize that a smoker does not only have the addiction but it is also a fact that when we try to stop we find ourselves in the routine of still going back to the favorite chair where we smoke or find ourselves looking for that damned pack ..... like we forgot we are quiting. So what I am saying is she was going some place. I don't believe someone stole her from the lounge chair outside of the room or anything. If she changed clothing (being a female myself) my thinking would be she didn't want to be seen in the same thing she had on that she had slept in right, or that she had been seen in the night before? Did she change when she got back to the cabin or before she left???? My other thing is she had no shoes on. Is it possible that someone could have got her attention outside where she slept? Some where I heard or read she was never up that early ... maybe her father said that .. not sure. Well, I sure wouldn't think she would have got up early on her own if she had been out that late and had only slept a short time like that. Then I believe that there was a girl in that video from AMW that said she had seen her and Yellow together going up to the next deck like you said above. So you have the video of them togehter and then a few hours later another young lady sees them together and NO ONE is looking for this guy???? This is screwed up!!!! BIG TIME!!!! Why is this guys picture and/or the video not all over the world so that people might be able to find and/or point him out? Wouldn't the ship have more information on this band and their names and more about their band history? I find it hard to believe that Joe Blow can get a job on one without some background of the gigs they have done or something!!!!! Would there be a list of people who were on the ship when you all were on the ship? Why hasn't someone tried to contact each and every one of them asking if they might have photos from the ship of the band that can be posted online? This guy needs to be found. And it was also said that the photos of Amy that she and her mother went to purchase were missing when they went to get them. What is up with that? Someone wanted them. And that someone was on that ship! Do you think Mr. Yellow could have paid or tried to talk the other creeps into getting her in Carlos and Charlies to be able to get his hands on her? Maybe those guys are afraid to tell because they would be in jail as well becuase they tried to get her to go there. There is more to this story and I think someone needs to speak wtih these creeps in a way so that they understand if they help find Amy they will not be charged. I think someone knows something and is afraid to speak!!!! You said, "and he does dance weird" ..... so do you mean like he was dirty dancing with Amy? Perhaps forcing himself on her on the dance floor? Sounds like and smells like a creep to me! Was this Yellow guy a an older man or a young man or what? I am trying to picture all of this in my head ... the two of them dancing that is. When I was a little younger I loved to dance and would go to the bars and so on. It was nothing for me to dance with anyone who danced and never miss many songs to dance to all night long. I loved it. I, myself, have come in contact with some real creeps that would try to push themselves on you in more ways than one. Now that I am a little older I see how dangerous it was to be in those places. But most of us trust others and are just growing up and want to have a good time. Maybe Amy thought he was being a little over friendly but then maybe she in some way is like me from the past and was still nice and trusting of everyone even when they had done something that we didn't feel comfort in.... maybe she thought well he likes me or he had too much to drink.... or maybe she liked him in a way of that he was just interesting for some reason and wanted to be friends you know. Was this man a man from another country? I always found people from other places other than the USA to be of interest only because I wanted to know all I could about what I didn't know about if you know what I mean. I have talked to people all over the place online at home from my computer just because it is interesting to me to know about people from other places in the world. Some times you find some pretty nice people other times or most of the time you find creeps who only one to talk about one thing and that is not the people I want to continue to chat with!!! I am trying to reason in my head how this could have happened. If at her age I had been approached by a band memeber and if he had made over me in front of everyone in the place maybe in some way I would have felt special or something you know... like the attention was on me. I feel like since she was seen in the bar/club whatever you want to call it.. disco .. whatever.... with him and if he was making a big deal about her and then a few hours later he was seen with her by a young lady on the ship .... he had something ... or most likely ... everything to do with this AND I CAN'T UNDERSTAND AS AN AMERICAN WHY NO HAS DONE A DAMNED THING ABOUT FINDING THIS YELLOW!!!! I mean .. duuuhhh... if someone comes up missing don't the police usually question the last person that was with the person????? Didn't the young lady say that they went up and then a few minutes later he came down alone? How many minutes are a few minutes? If they were about to dock then surely he wouldn't have been holding her as a hostage in his room or where ever ... he might be caught with her that way.... what did he do with her? I find all the talk about her being a slave and all this other stuff a bunch of junk. I feel he could have very well took her up to that deck and done soemthing to her and then tossed her over the side. He wouldn't want to be caught with her!!! Lets face it...... if he was dancing nasty and tryng to come on to her on the floor with others watching him he was after one thing!!!!!!!! He wanted her! Yes maybe she had spent time with others but he was the last person seen with her and I don't feel that the young lady who told this would have any reason to say Yellow from the band was the peson she was seen with if it was not true!!! The question is why did she leave the room. Well lets see.... she changed her clothing and she took her smokes and lighter.... she had no shoes on. According to what I saw on the AMW video she had told her brother she was feeling ill from being on the boat. I, myself, have been sick as can be before even leaving port on a boat and was sick three days after .... green as green could be... just sick as hell. It is a terrible feeling. Was there a place where she could have gone to get something for feeling ill? Is that where she could have been going when she came in contact with Yellow? Or was Yellow some way able to get her attention while she was outside sleeping that morning and she went to see what he wanted or maybe he wanted to show her something or whatever. I don't care how she left the room she was last seen with him and Yellow needs to be found and questioned. Another question... where would Yellow and the band have got off of the boat at the end of this trip? Did they have another job on the same boat after this and were to stay on the same ship? Did he vanish when she came up missing at the same place they docked that day? Was he back on the ship to work the rest of the trip? WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED TO THIS MAN? I have followed along in hope that some day they would find Amy one way or another so her family might have some answers and the rest of us who have followed this and prayed for her and her family could have answers as to what really happened to this young lady. I pray she is still living some how and will one day come back home here where she belongs but I fear the worst! I see online something or some crap I should say about her being on drugs... how stupid is that. This young lady had everything going for her. And this junk about her jumping over the side.... give me a break!!!!!!!!!!!! I feel like she was young and was probably very trusting as I always was and would make excuses for peoples bad behavior such as Yellow being "weird" with her while dancing. As far as the video that you have..... yes I think it should be all over the place so that these idiots who say things about drugs and slaves and stupid crap can have more of an idea of what happened just before she vanished!!!!! I think someone should yell from a mountain top and tell everyone how the FBI is not intersted in your video!!!!!! Your video might very well have been the most important item in this whole search for Amy and I can't understand why it hasn't come out that there is a video of Amy with the creep just before she vanished!!!!!! I have thought all along that someone might step forward with a picture or something that they might have snapped in the disco and maybe had Amy in it that would give some clue as to who was there .... nothing has ever been mentioned about you having a video that I have read or heard that I know of until I came across your site that I can remember. This is of real interest!!!! If Amy is not alive.... I think her parents need to know something one way or another!!! I help people who are adopted find their family or I will help a family find the adoptee that was given up. That is another story in itself. I have always said it is the NOT KNOWING who you are are where you came from that is the worst thing for thees adoptees who wish to search for this information but are denied their real birth information. OH DON'T LET ME GET STARTED ON THAT!!! What I am trying to say is it is the NOT KNOWING for the Amy family that is the worst and they are in my opinion being jerked around and not being given 100% of an investigation to help find their child! They have trusted many people thinking they were really going to help them .... Amy may have been trusting someone on that boat .... I have a feeling her family were trusting folks period. One more thing.... something was said about her having 100 dollars. Is that money missing along with her? Did she take this money with her when she left that morning? Was this like a 100 dollar bill or was this many bills that added up to 100 dollars? Would she have taken that entire amount of money with her if she were going to buy something because she felt ill and need something to try to ease the ill feeling ..... if it were a 100 dollar bill yes she would have taken it all with her but do you really thing she would take all of the money if it were broken down in smaller bills? She didn't have a purse with her right? Or did she? I think it said she had on a t-shirt and shorts... did these shorts have pockets... see all of this matters because I would think if I had 100 dollars in many bills I would have taken a smaller amount with me if I were to carry it in hand.... maybe she was going to buy something she needed that much money to get ..... that early in the monring.... nah I wouldn't think so. If she changed clothing and had that money in her pocket she could have pulled it out of the dirty clothes pocket and shoved it into the clean things she had just put on but did the clothing she have on have a pocket so she would just transfer it over into the other set of clothing? Do I think she could have had a plan to go meet with someone that morning.... not likely.... she would have known her family would be getting up soon right? I don't know but for some reason her family had a feeling right away that something had happened to her. From the AMW video I get a feeling her father right way thought something had happened to her. Why would you right off think that something bad had happened to her? Why would you just not look for her or think she had stepped out for a short time. I am sure there is something that made this father panic like that but what I haven't a clue..... I am not saying in any way, shape, form, or fashion he had anything to do with it, but what I am saying is her father seemed to panic right way and that would make me think they had a reason to feel this way. What was it? Was it the fact that someone who worked there had been looking for her to go to this Carlos and Chalie place and they were still having some gut feeling something was up with that? I don't know but there are not enough details in the story and not enough searching has been done for this young lady!!!! The family I feel has worked very hard and haven't got their questions answered and were denied a good search for their daughter. I don't think there is any slave thing, drug thing, a meeting thing, or that she killed herself..... I think she was last said to have been seen with Yellow and he knows what happened to her and someone needs to kick up sand and find out where he is. Are there other things we have not heard ... like did Amy have any interest in drugs, did she have any other problems that would lead other to think she would be into anything that would put her in a bad spot that morning. I haven't heard one bad thing about this girl.... only that she liked to have a good time and she had a very nice life to look forward to once she returned home!!!!
Oh yeah... forgot to ask.... did Amy's family ever get this tape themselves? Have they ever seen thsi tape? Wonder why the father's boss never shared with the family he had this tape you had given him? I would have said oh my gosh look this guy just gave me this tape and it has Amy on it and what should we do with it and who should we give it to and lets look at this tape or lets talk to the guy who made this tape. I don't get why the boos never told them you had given him this tape.
Wow just looked at your Bio .. pretty nice Chris! Your video that includes Amy dancing with Yellow could be one of the most important videos ever! That man really needs to be found and questioned!
Where did you find the video? I looked around Chris's website but couldn't find it. I will never give up hope that Amy will come home to her family....keep praying!
I was curious if "Yellow" had any connection to the Natalee Holloway case? Wasn't he or his son friends of Joran Van Der Sloot?
Joe.... you posted on May 28th ....I was curious if "Yellow" had any connection to the Natalee Holloway case? Wasn't he or his son friends of Joran Van Der Sloot?
Now I am all freaked out about all of this!!! Wasn't it like two days later (after your post) that Joran Van Der Sloot killed a young lady.... OMG.... When you said "Wasn't he" or his son friends with Joran Van Der Sloot..... are you talking about Yellow???? That is most interesting ... I had not heard anything about this Yellow guy being friends with Van Der Sloot. Where did you get that info? I find it very odd this was posted two days before this thing with Van Der Sloot killing the Flores lady and that you mentioned Natalee Holloway in connection with all of this. Very interesting.
Yes there is a connection:
"Yellow" the man last seen with Amy Bradley on the cruise ship, was working as a DJ at Carlos ' N' Charlies in Aruba the night Natalee Holloway went missing. He was questioned by authorities in Aruba and even arrested at one point, but the focus of the case swung over to Joran Van Der Sloot. Joran was very well known on the Island and it has been reported that he and Steve Croes (or "Yellow") had a friendly relationship.
You should google Steve Croes, and confirm if he, is in fact, the same person as "Yellow" as his been reported.
Another odd thing of note, Amy Bradley was reportedly invited by a crew member to go to Carlos 'N' Charlies when the boat arrived in Aruba, which was the day before she went missing and the port prior to Curacao. She declined the invitation according to her family, and did not visit this same Carlos 'N' Charlies while in Aruba.
WOW!!! Okay... so there is a video that shows Yellow and Amy on the boat in the bar or disco what ever you want to call it. Is it Steve Croes (Yellow) in the video with Amy? One thing that was always odd to me is why we never heard more about this Yellow. Now I sort of see why. He is going to screw up just like Van Der Sloot at some point (I hope!!!). The thought that keeps crossing my mind is that I just wonder if Amy and Natalee could still be living .... maybe sold? Remember the thing about Van Der Sloot getting set up and he was trying to set up a deal to sell some females and the females thought they were going some place to dance and make money.... I know I read that some place at some point. The entire thing with Van Der Sloot shakes me up though..... It also makes me worry that if Amy and Natalee are alive that it could put them in even more danger now that Van Der Sloot has been caught. I have read online where people have posted that something will happen to him in prison or that they hope something happens to him... but I pray he lives because it is no good for him to go to his death without answers about Natalee and maybe even Amy. But then I don't see them making anything easy on him to get that information for the Americans that are missing since he killed one of their people. I am not saying he needs it easy but he needs to stay alive so that at some point someone can come up with something to get that information out of him if at all possible. He made mention wanting to show where Natalee is if he could go back to Aruba ... I just wonder what is in his head or up his sleeve that he wanted to get back to Aruba? Maybe because he still has relatives in Aruba who could try to get him out of all of this? I don't know but he is up to something but I don't see them letting him go back there to help locate her...... I just keep thinking it is some trick and she is not there at all. I don't know.... but I think some time ago we as Americans shoulod have got really angry and tried every thing we could to stop American people and our money from going to those places until they turned up something on Natalee and Amy. I think Van Der Sloot is probably only a fraction of what is really going on there. His mother said he is sick in the head. If she knew this and didn't try to have him locked up or get him help she is as much to blame for all of this as he is. I think some sort of charges shoulod be charged on her .... maybe then he will give up the info that is needed for her release.... just a thought.
I've also heard that Amy Bradley's mother denied the connection between the two Steves and that they are both two different people....
I have followed the story of Amy Bradley since learning about it on the Dr. Phil Show in 2005. I too connected with Mrs. Bradley to see if there was any way I could help. I have read everything there is to read about this case. Your video with Yellow dancing is the first new information I have read in a while. It could be quite useful to the people who continue to believe Amy is in trouble. I do not know Amy but from what I've read about her, I suspect she is not a quitter and has managed to live through the past 10 years of hell, and is still alive. And I suspect where she is located, could be narrowed down by people closer to this situation. She needs skilled help to get her home. It is not likely that if she were found and given an open door to leave, that she would, because I think she is traumatized. Think Stockholm Syndrome. A team of muscle, intelligence and experience dealing with shattered humans can bring her home.
I hope someone finds Amy.
Cmon guys does anyone do any research? Steve Croes from Aruba is not the same Steve Croes that was in the band. The only connections are the bar Carlos and Charlies and Paul Brough AKA Mr.Pink who just happened to be advertising his escort service on the very same Adult Vacation Site many think Amy Bradley was shown at in 2005.
This is truely a very sad story. Recently watched a repeat of a "true tv" type show where they discussed at length Ms. Bradley's disappearance and the following scam of nearly $200K from her parents. I believe the last place Amy had been seen was sleeping on a deck chair on their suite balcony? Unless their is evidence that someone entered the room and pushed her overboard, it seems she probably fell overboard either accidently or on purpose. Since the family doesn't believe she was suicidal, probably she may have fell accidently. The railings on the balconies are not that high. Perhaps when she stood up she may have been light headed (alcohol night before?) or the seas may have been a little rough, and she lost her balance over the railing?
It happens several times a year on cruises everywhere since the addition of balconies to rooms / suites. Combined with alcohol, there have been some deadly consequences.
It seems as though the parents, understandbly so -- to an extent, are in denial.
dmonkey... Let me fill you in on some details you may not know... Amy was last seen alive and well after she left the room, successfully NOT falling over board and heading up the glass elevator with the Bass player in the very early morning hours. She did not fall overboard, the rails on that ship, in that room, with that short of a girl would have made it impossible to accidentally fall overboard.
2 witnesses reported seeing Amy go up the elevator with Yellow and shortly after Yellow came down the elevator alone. The "handoff", if you will, likely took place in the back of the bar in the disco on the 11th deck and she was almost certainly drugged, and taken off the boat in a garbage bag thru a service entrance before the passengers were allowed to exit the boat in Curacao.
One of the worst parts of this case is the preponderance of people who weren't there, who have NOT spoken to the people involved sharing speculation of what they THINK happened as though it was fact.
I was there. i speak to the family. It is tragic.
Chris, thank you for your efforts to help Amy, by sharing the video with her family, and by posting this information on your website. I really hope the info will help find her and bring her home to the people who love her.