Tutorial - Editing B-Roll Faster

Everyone has their own workflow and technique when it comes to Final Cut Pro. I will admit that I am pretty much self taught so a lot of what I do is very non-standard but this technique of working with B-Roll works really well and has some nice advantages. You may want to check it out and there is a cool trick thrown in at the end.
Reader Comments (26)
LOL ... I do EXACTLY the same thing, even using tracks of video to indicate levels of preference. Love the trick to delete multiple gaps though. That's a new one for me.
The trick to delete the gaps came out of pure frustration doing pieces where I had 100 clips that I needed to delete the gap... I had noticed the behavior when i was deleting gaps in other instances and thought it would apply here too... Glad you like it.
Wonderful video teaching... thanks for this sharable information...
Data Entry Outsource
this one is simply brilliant.... this is a huge time saver and just eliminates a lot of frustration. Thanks for sharing! Excellent tutorials.
Yea, i'm not sure this is a real popular technique but for me it REALLY works, like I said, I edit pictures... NOT words...
good luck to you.
Very helpful tips, Chris. Thanks!
hi Chris.
yeah, i work in a very similar way, with a few elaborations/simplifications that you might like.
selecting the shots:
when i'm culling the material, i go thru the timeline and mark my selected sections with in & outs.
to get that section up onto V2:
Shift i or backspace (to go to the in point)
apple c / apple v (copy paste)
return, (open into viewer),
actually i have a macro to do all these in one go.
like you i wind up with a bunch of selects with a lot of air between them.
my method of dealing with that:
1st make sure you have no in/out marks (option x)
then place your playhead at the end of the timeline, or a certain distance beyond that.
select all the V2 clips
drag them up and into the CANVAS window, and drop them into the "Overwrite" drop-zone.
bang! all selects are edited back into the timeline where the playhead is parked:
all bunched up at the end of the timeline IN ONE GO.
then they are ready to copy into a selects sequence if you like,
but more often than not i just work with them at the end of the rushes timeline.
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Thanks so much for sharing this neat trick!
Remeber Media100 "close all gaps"?
It's clear that no on in the FC Dev-Team is an editior not even a hobyist editor.
The've put "Close gap" to the commands but no "Close all gaps" which would be a true game changer.
Thomas... funny you mention Close All Gaps, I use to cut on a Media100... maybe that is where my 'technique" of organizing B-Roll IN the timeline comes from.
thx for the comments
Hey Chris,
First off, your tutorials are invaluable!
Do you do the same technique for your main footage? I'm just a one man show so there's not really b-roll. I just got the 7d after selling my d90. I love the camera and went to school some video with it, filled up 16 gigs in no time. How do you deal with storing these gigantic files? I saw another of your tutorials where you use MPEG SC to convert it to 720p 60. Is that your usual method for footage that will end up 720p in the end anyway? I remember reading somewhere that you will do a tutorial on cheap storage. Thanks again for your tutorials!
My preferred method of dealing with HDSLR footage now is cutting in Premiere Pro... way better look, way faster, no transcoding... a must switch.
as for how you deal with the data requirements... no two ways about it... you gotta buy drives... you're gonna buy a lot of them... welcome to the 21st century.
I'm doing a talk at SF Cutters on the 27th of Oct. and after that talk I'll reveal all the details of it. There are things you can do to get a cost effective way of storing data... I'll cover all the details soon.
You should really be looking at Premiere Pro if you're cutting HDSLR footage though... you'll dig it...
Make sure you take a look at the other X2PPro tutorials I've posted... they are from the eyes of a FCP user.
Chris, thanks a lot for a fast reply. I will try cs5, we have it at work and just haven't installed it yet coz some people are just... well it is what it is. I switched to FCP when I got a mac a few yrs ago, and one of the main reasons for that switch (if i remember correctly) is that it allowed me to edit footage without converting it, and audio worked and all that jazz. I've been converting things to prores anyways, but prores always gets so chunky even though you can't make extra data! rite? but the nice thing about prores is that FCP allows you to add on effects that render in real time. I really like that. I played around with other codecs and the effects renerings is just not as smooth. Do you have the same problems?
Also, since you now converted to PPro (I haven't tried it yet since a few yrs ago), do you convert to DVCPRO, or you just use the footage "out of the box"?
Thanks for the editing tip about pulling clips you like to the top... I just did a friends wedding and I have waaaay too much video to go through so this will definitely help a lot! Keep on the good work. I check your blog almost every day now. Thanks !
Just tried PPro. Native support for EOS video files - VEEEERY NICE. Means no transcoding. Playback of clips - very good until you apply effects to it. Color correction playback is fine. Transitions are horrible. I have 3 yr old MBP 2.5gig processor 4gig ram 516mb graphics. So maybe just my machine is not up to the task... FCP does better on playback of effects but only after transcoding to PRORES... ohhh pros and cons for each one !
wat about the audio?
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