Tutorial - Timecode Logging with TextExpander

This is a technique I used when I’m directing so I can log shots while we’re rolling. By working with time of day timecode I can quickly and accurately paste the timecode with a simple keystroke.
TextExpander in
Canon 7D,

Reader Comments (6)
Chris, I went out and bought Text Expander ( after watching this video and I can think of a million uses for it now! It costs $35 by the way. Thanks for this info. I like your approach because your tutorials are based on real workflow. I am a photographer trying to get my arms around the world of video production and I am really learning a lot from your material here. I am about two months into Final Cut Studio at this point and really loving it. Thanks again.
Welcome to Final Cut... yea, workflow is one of my passions... theres a lot to be said for planning WHAT you need to do before you start.
Keep it up and let me see some of your work... always interested.
Nice one mate… wish I'd seen this before! ;-)
This is a very handy tip, great information.
Thanks a lot for making this video and sharing it.
We wish there was a Time Code plug-in for PC system too (at least for the most popular NLE package/s).
But even without it, logging is useful and important. Thanks a lot once again.
Love your tutorials. Thanks so very much for all the help and tips. Please keep them coming.
Chris - excellent stuff
just as an FYI - I'm using Typinator - similar to textExpander and tho I haven't done a direct comparison, it might be even better than textExpander....
I have a hard time using someone else's computer or even my iPad now because of how much I rely on Typinator! I have about 200 shortcuts for many of the things I do all day in blogging. One of the great things about typinator is that it has a search function available at a keystroke. Obviously with 200+ shortcuts it is hard to remember them all, but with a keystroke, a popup appears and you just type into the search box and your shortcuts appear... couldn't live without it!
planetMitch (ps... typing 'pm.' gives me planetMitch so I never have to type it... heck even 'i ' becomes "I" - much like you get on the iPhone/iPad - should be part of OS X if you ask me :)