Tutorial - My zzOLD Workflow

Ha, lets face it, MOST people won’t post a video on the interwebs about how they NEARLY screwed up and messed up a clients project THAT HAS NOT BEEN delivered yet. However, the point of all of this is to show how good workflow and a healthy dose of CYA can keep you safe even in a sleep deprived state when you KNOW you are going to do dumb stuff.
I hope this gives you some insite on a way to work to keep you from ever loosing your work and if you don’t adopt MY technique, come up with something that works better for you.
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Reader Comments (2)
You can also take a look at and get a script called render layer, that will do all this automagically.
Since you didn't see the video there was a lot of overlap that needed to be stripped out and thats why setting up regions didn't work. Also, setting up regions to render does not make for a REPEATABLE WORKFLOW. I always want to work in a way that I can REPEAT something frame accurate therefore i NEVER render a region. I ALWAYS render the whole comp. I set up my Render modules to render whole comp... ALWAYS that way not only I can but ANYONE that has to make a fix to a project can go in, fix a typo or WHAT EVER and then just render without thinking about the REGION to render. Although it make take a little more work to set up this way it makes subsequent fixes MUCH easier. This is stuff that comes up when you work in a workgroup as oppose to just one guy and a machine.
Now... the "Render Layer" script, that sounds interesting.
Thx for reading and commenting.