Amy Bradley Video

You should also watch this 6 part video about the Bradley’s story on “Vanished”.
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5
Here is the video that accompanies the story about how Amy Bradley went missing on the Royal Caribbean boat, Rhapsody of the Sea back in 1998. Before you go on a cruise yourself, please read this story and watch this video. Primetime is supposedly doing another story about Amy.
For you video people reading this… We were shooting on DVCam in early 1998. I also had to have a BetaSP deck in my room because eventually we were going to play our show off the BetaSP deck in the ship theater. I was cutting on Media 100 in an interior stateroom with no windows. This footage is a firewire transfer from the original DVCam and compressed to H264. Obviously the H264 was made MUCH later.
Reader Comments (14)
Chris, I am so glad to see this all out there for the world to see.
Not only might this help many others one day to find and recognize Amy, but there are many who may be missing because of the same abductors.
The "evil" people responsible for this, whoever they may be, would do anything to cover up having abducted this young girl; those in the past and those in the future! This may help them and also keep you alive. We are always looking for the one reason we were born - there are many, of course, but there seems to be one special thing no one else could have done. This may be the difference you will make in so many lives - alerting others of this danger. I am so glad you have attention to details, you think, don't drink and are brave when something comes up. I am glad you are my son!
Hello Chris
I watched Vanished with Beth Holloway last night and now I just can't stop thinking about this tragedy. I began googling Amy Bradley's name and came across your previous post. I also came across a website that Alister " yellow "Douglas's band has he has a short bio and shows his picture, it gave me the heebies jeebies, and now after watching this video my skin crawled. At the same time I feel this hopelessness inside so many people who are concerned such as yourself and yet she is still missing. I will keep her in my prayers and I TRULY hope she will be's been too long. It's people such as yourself that stand up for what is right that TRULY make this world a better place.
I don't think that "Yellow" is Steve Croes, but I do think it's a very good chance that it is someone called Jerry Croes who is a "friend" on Steve's FB page.!/profile.php?id=691627679
Chris, is there a way you can do a comparison....they look very similar to me, he's a bit heavier now, but I swear, it could be him. If that is the case, has anyone (including) the family or LE spoke to this Jerry??? These people aren't hiding and I would think fairly easy to locate. Is jerry steve's brother? cousin?
Chris...perhaps the film could be lightened, cleaned up more, particularly the dancing that is done in the dark where he looks directly towards camera and that scene is not lightened up like the first scene is. His profile looks like it could match.
I noticed this Steve Croes guy has a sister named Keisha Croes (Kit Taffijn), who lives in Willemstad, Netherlands Antille. (Per her facebook). Steve lives in Aruba now. But also has many friends and family in the Netherlands...I bet a connection somewhere and somehow could be connected back to Amy by following these people on facebook....I hope Amy is found. After watching the Beth Holloway show Vanished, I have been on this mission for Amy...Thank you to all who look out for Amy as well. Godspeed!
After doing a little investigating and watching "Vanished"...Steve Croes is not mentioned at all as a POI in the Amy Bradley case. ONLY Alistair Douglas and after finding pics of him, he is definitely the one dancing with Amy. Alistair was also given a polygraph and questioned by the FBI per Amy's parents. There was not enough evidence to arrest him for kidnapping. HE is the one that knows what happened to Amy. How her parents are able to control themselves and not go to where he is and do whatever they need to do (waterboarding comes to mind!) until he tells them what he knows, is beyond me. I pray for Amy to come home and have her and her parents have some peace.
Hi Chris,
thank you for this site. I was wondering why your footage was not used in the Vanished episode? Also why is it not on the official site set up by the family? Are you sure they know of it? Additionally there doesn't seen to be a substantial facebook page to spread the word about Amy's story. I spent a week on Curacao a few years ago before I knew of this story. My friend, a young American woman lived there and attended medical school there.
I did not have a good time going out at night because there were children 12, 13 and up allowed in the clubs the served alcohol. I wish I knew about Amy's story before I went because I would have keep my eyes open for here at all times. Thanks again, keep it up.
Hi Chris,
Thank you so much for posting your story and the video of Amy. I have always been very interested in this story and am so glad that you are bringing it back to the forefront. I was reading a bio of Alister "Yellow" Douglas and notice that he has given up performing and has his own recording studio now. That seems a bit expensive for a bass player unless he inherited a fortune, I wonder how he managed that? I agree with an earlier poster, that is definitely him dancing with Amy.
Nice, and thanks for sharing this info with us.Good Luck! izgcgq izgcgq - Birkin Bag Hermes.
Tonight, 4th August 2012 on the Cime and Investigation channel, I watched in total disbeleif about Amy Bradley who went missing. As I am based in Australia this program would have been viewed by thousand of viewers, and hopefully someone or persons may have been on a cruise ship to the Carribean recently. One can only hope and pray that she is found alive and reunited with her family before its to late.
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