
Stop motion surprise!

You got to hear this story… Jeff Dykhouse is one of my best friends in the world… an extremely talented composer and audio system designer and all around BRILLIANT guy. (Not “Bevan smart” but really smart - inside joke).

About a year ago he showed his then 11 year old daughter and 13 year old son how iStopmotion worked and that was that. 2 weeks ago they came in and said… “Hey dad, can we have the YouTube password?” 

This is what they had made… on their own, NO supervision! Do they have some things to learn? Sure, but what a pleasant surprise, and blessing, when your kids are this creative. 

Oh, and earlier this year, the now 12 year old decided to save up money because she wanted a new laptop and said, “All I know for sure, is I want one faster than dad has.”  

You’ve done well Jeff… 

Please share this with as many people as you can… their goal is to get a million views on YouTube. Hey… I’m doing MY part to help.

Update: They’ve done it again. Check out their latest video here.


Smells like Rockin' Robin.

Clever… and WELL done… who would have thought those two songs could be put together.

One of my fav U2 moments.

Every U2 fans dream. Especially if you are a musician in a tribute band. 

Apple verses Adobe, who compresses faster?

I also want to mention that in this compressed video the difference between the two version look much more dramatic than it did as I made the screen grab. I sort of sound like an idiot saying they look comparable. It was odd that the Apple default bit rate was nearly TWICE what Adobe reommended for an iPhone video. Not sure why that is.



You don’t wear your seat belt for yourself… you wear it for the ones you love. My 2007 Prius saved my life. Everything in it worked exactly as designed.

The shoulder belt left a big bruise on across my chest.

The Air bag deployed in literally the blink of an eye and kept me from going thru the windshield.

Everything that was suppose to crumple, crumpled and not a single window in the car was broken. 

Needless to say, I got another Prius.