I Am Not Moving - Hypocrisy at its Best.

The hypocrisy of our government arresting and detaining people in New York City and other states while the US State Department is simuntaneiously TRANING people in other countries how to rise up against THIER governments using social media is INCREDIBLE.
Although Occupy Wall Street (OWS) is not well organized, this is precisely what I’ve been predicting for the last year, “The people will rise up with pitch forks and torches because they have had enough”. They may not be able to articulate exactly what is wrong, but it doesn’t take a genious to tell that SOMETHING is not right.
Reader Comments (6)
This is not an accurate depiction of what is happening on Wall st. Its nothing more than a bunch of hipsters and stoners hanging out. It is NOTHING like Libya and Egypt. The black kid in the white sweater screaming "Arrest me"... dont believe he would act the same on an Libyan street with Quadaffis thugs standing in front of him.
Get a job, payoff your student loans, and start a life.
I'm not even an American. I'm Australian. Your a joke! For the U.S is nothing like Libya or Egypt. It is not "ruled" by tyrants. Hell, it's not even run by em. Moreover, you've get a choice. You put the government in power. And if your not careful the tea party is going to make thing worse. Stop whining and help fix your countries government. Not everything has to be replaced by ripping it down first. Alas, I suspect you don't even see your folly.
Now here's the unsubscribe button.
So, Chris, what are they protesting against in Wall Street? Inquiring minds want to know.
What I think the first two posters seem to completely miss about this cleverly made video is that it illustrates the hypocrisy of what the freely elected politicians say about oppressed societies and how they deal with protests and how the police in the US are behaving towards US citizens protesting against what they see as financial oppression and tyranny.
The protestors are not objecting to the Government, they are objecting to those who control the government and worse show no penitence for when they completely screw things up for those who do not receive huge bonuses for failing to do their jobs. Bonuses that are the equivalent of 20 year's income to many people. Which is what happened here in the UK with the Royal Bank of Scotland fiasco.
The Arab Spring may be followed by the American Fall. ;-)
THANK YOU imajez....
I had read the first two posters last night and was sort of shocked by what the "i'm gonna un-subscribe" guy said. How CLEARLY he/she missed the point. And of course how cowardly it is to post anonymously, (must change that in the settings, just don't know how).
I'm glad you wrote what you did imajez, I had wanted to take some time to consider how to respond and your response to "Angry" was perfect.
Anyone who thinks that America is a democracy is fooled by good PR and anyone who thinks that Americans can decide what happens by voting one party in or out is woefully misinformed about how big business buys control of Washington DC every single day. We have moved into a Corprotocracy and it needs to stop.
The real problem is that Americans are continually "dumbed down" by their Sports programming (yea I said, sports television just makes everyone more stupid) and American Idol.
I love TV, I love what it CAN do... but I hate what it ACTUALLY does. We are lulled into a sense of security because we can sit on the couch and eat a meal and watch another MIND NUMBING episode of Access Hollywood and we think that's enough.
Don't get me wrong... I don't have a solution. I'm just here to point out the problems... well that and teach people video post production techniques.
Oh wait... Dancing with the Stars is on... gotta go!!!!
The real problem is that Americans are continually "dumbed down" by their Sports programming (yea I said, sports television just makes everyone more stupid) and American Idol.