
Photography is not a crime.

Photography is not a crime is it? Some people would like to make you think it is. 


Still a fan! Redrock Micro product videos.

Redrock Micro Universal Bundles from Redrock Micro on Vimeo.


I just dig the style of these product videos. They could be SOOO BORING and yet i’m totally drawn to them and want to watch them again and again. Is there a delicate balance between “the text is up so short it just annoys me so i don’t want to watch anymore” and “I think I got it all, but I feel like I want to watch again anyway”? Its a good question to think about when you are designing. 

Beautiful Motion Graphics Piece!

Big things are happening. Cisco.

Really Right Stuff and RedRock Micro

the microRRS adapter clamp for Really Right Stuff and Redrock Rigs from Redrock Micro on Vimeo.


Seriously… Brian Valente and the guys at Red Rock make GREAT product videos and I have to GO SEEK THEM OUT. Why don’t these videos get more twitter buzz? They’re really well made, VERY informative and they do a great job of highlighting the features.



Haunting - Tornado Devastation

Devastated - F-5 Tornado in Pleasant Grove, Alabama from Andrew Winchell on Vimeo.


I love this. I think that the point of much of what we do as story tellers is to illuminate the world and what happens in it. But is this dramatization of the damage of a tornado too much?  Is it dramatic enough? Or, does this ‘hit the point home’?

I think its amazingly powerful and don’t have a problem with it at all. As a matter of fact, I commend Andrew Winchell for a job well done. I think I am most moved by the pink walls in, what was once a little girls room, and the Stainless Steel refrigerator turned over. Such a modern day symbol of “look at us, we’ve achieved” (I think the Stainless Steel thing is soo overdone) and yet it is just toppled over in an instant.

Tornados, to me as someone who has grown up in CA, are the most terrifying of natural disasters.