iPods Don't Need to Be Washed... How to save one.

OK, So I'm a total spaz... every day I carry my iPhone and my iPod from my car to the apartment to charge and load them with new content. About a week ago I came home from work right before going on vacation and accidentally left my 2G iPod Nano in my pocket and washed it in the laundry... OOPS!!!
So what do you do? Luckily my wife read online that the trick was this.
2. Put it in a bag of rice.
3. Leave it for a week.
Perfect. We had a big bag of rice so we put about a cup of rice in a ziplock and dropped the iPod in with it and we left on vacation.
Well, we just got back and I'm happy to tell you. She seems to be working just fine! Not sure if we'll have any adverse effects on the battery performance, which had been STELLAR... But I'll let you know about that later... for now, it seems to be working fine.