Did TUAW Read my "Review"?

I just read the TUAW article outlining what they would like to see in the New Final Cut. it was good, but I sure felt like they had read my “review” first… Not that I mind… I don’t care. Ultimately I just want good edit tools.
But some of the requests were fairly unique to my Review. For example the comments about being able to use color “without moving between apps” basically is the same thing as my request for “an easier to use filter metaphor instead of the old XML timeline metaphor”. Basically, my question is… why do I need to leave the app via XML to do my color correction. (Yea, I’m old, I still say Color Correction NOT “Color Grading” and my PINKY touches my tea cup too!!)
There comments about Soundtrack Pro seemed much the same as mine too. They said, “having its features integrated within Final Cut Pro would save us a lot of time” and in my faux review I stated that “all [the audio features have] been put into a new Audio Tab inside FCP”. Basically the same request as above, why do I need a whole app?
We both requested more motion controls inside the app as well… but that just makes sense… why DOES everything need to be an app?
The real similarity though was the request for Keynote functionality. They said, “It would be fantastic to see the engine from Keynote implemented for titling in Final Cut Pro. I said, “Keynote has some crazy cool features and animation presets built in like “Magic Move” and even Steve Jobs style Refections. All of the great features of Keynote are now in Final Cut Pro 8 and make it a very powerful tool for us Corporate Video makers.”
I SERIOUSLY would like to see this!
Overall… we ALL want some serious improvements to our old, (and I do mean old) FCP. I guess tomorrow it happens huh? It’ll be fun to see what the boys from “The Loop” bring us.
Go Doug!!!