Saving data can be cheap.

On Tuesday October 26, I presented at the SF Cutters meeting and gave a rundown of my personal method for storing data in the most inexpensive way possible. One of the things I DIDN’T mention is that you should always have two copies of everything. The reason for that is that hard drives DO die. You should also seriously consider having two locations to store your two copies. We live in an earthquake region and bad things DO happen here in the Bay Area.
Make sure you don’t miss Part 2 where I talk about how to FIND everything you’ve stored.
Below is the “shopping list” of the products that I use.
1. OEM Hard Drives -
2. UPDATE: USB3 Trayless Drive Dock - USB3 Drive Bay
3. Storage Box for Drive -
Silicon Sleeve -
Weibetech Sleaves -
Hard Drive Drawer-
4. Storage Box for Boxes -
and don’t forget
5. Disk Tracker Software -
Remember, this is not the fastest method, this is not the most LONG LASTING system, and there are many people that will tell you I’m NUTS for storing data this way. However, I manage about 100TB of data this way and have used it for about 10 years. So, take that for what its worth.