Doing something that Matters.

I love this piece... really well shot, great music, the editing is fantastic but the end is a wake up call for all of us...
Spoils it to say to much but watch the piece and tell me what you think. I love it.
I love this piece... really well shot, great music, the editing is fantastic but the end is a wake up call for all of us...
Spoils it to say to much but watch the piece and tell me what you think. I love it.
OK, I want to tell you a story but I don't want to, or actually, I can't tell you too many details. So recently I was at Gasser's in San Francisco and I was asking about a Canon to Nikon adapter ring... I just wanted to see one and and decide if I wanted to get one so that I could use all of Jeff Regan's Nikon lenses on the 5DMk2. The guy next to me was asking about the 5D too and we had a good long chat about the pros and cons of the camera as a video camera.
Turns out he works for a certain video site that, uh, lets you broadcast yourself in San Bruno. We'll I had been having some problems with my account and after a nice chat with this guy and a couple eMails later that night I had everything taken care of with my account. (sometimes it really does pay to live in the San Francisco Bay Area as I would never had this face to face, chance encounter anywhere else in the world).
So, my word of advice to anyone that has a youtube account is make sure you keep it active. (did i just say youtube?) Don't let it go dormant and you may want to keep some activity every, say... 6 months or so.
Images Of Western Australia's Kimberley from Michael Fletcher on Vimeo.
Originally I saw this Michael Fletcher piece but decided not to post it because it was longer and well, no one wants to sit for 14 minutes anymore... but I beg you to sit thru this... its beautiful.
Earlier today Philip Bloom posted about affordable monitors for the 5D, not quite as nice as the TV Logic monitor I posted about a couple of days ago but certainly a lot cheaper. But you can never forget your cables.
For awhile now I've been buying all my cables from Monoprice is an amazing resource. Have you ever had the mooks at Best Buy try to sell you an HDMI cable for $120... how TOTALLY crazy do you have to be to pay that kind of money for a cable. Recently I installed an HDTV and needed to hook it up to several HDMI sources... I went to and was able to by 10' HDMI to HDMI cables in various colors for $4.74 each.
Now... back to the 5D... if you want to hook up an on board monitor you will need an HDMI-mini to HDMI.
Philip recommended a 6' cable for $15 from B&H. However, you probably don't need a 6' cable. How about a 3' HDMI-mini to HDMI from for $4.05 and while you're at it buy 2 and get a price break for $3.71 each and have a spare in your bag.
At any rate... definately check out, an amazing resource.