I've been at this a while.

Sony RM-440
For the past 18 months or so, many editors have been trying to figure out what they wanted to do in a “Post Final Cut Pro” era. Of course, they are completely discounting FCPX. I’ve met and spoken with several very accomplished editors who have never cut on anything but Final Cut Pro. I did a little thinking about it and realized that in my 30 year career in this business, I’ve edited on something like 12 or 13 different “platforms”, including various tape based and several digital systems. The long and short of it, is that if you are going to be in this business long term, you’ll no doubt have to keep on your toes and keep learning.
What is interesting is the dominant reign of Final Cut Pro for the past 14 years. Since it has been around for so long, alot of the younger editors I’ve met just sort of assumed, whether they want to admit it or not, that they would never have to learn a new edit tool. In stark contrast to the last decade, in the 90’s I went thru SEVERAL edit systems. Learning, evolving and perfecting new tools was part of what it meant to be in this business.
So don’t be affraid to dive into a new app once in a while.
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