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Michael Bay is explosive.

So, after posting the clip about how Michael Bay recycled some background plates for the new Transformers 3 movie, I was reminded that I’ve never seen a Transformers movie, or the cartoon from the 80’s for that matter. So I went on a bit of an exploration on the YouTube and came across this clip. I can’t tell if I want to watch one of those movies or not now. I think this compilation is great… but… hmm I may check out the Apple TV this holiday weekend. Or maybe I should avoid at all cost. I just can’t tell.

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Reader Comments (2)

maybe I should avoid at all cost. I just can’t tell.-latest Gucci Sandals

July 29, 2011 | Unregistered Commenterlatest Gucci Sandals

I was exhausted watching Transformers 3.. how does someone have the energu to make something like that.. none stop CG action

August 8, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterRick

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