Tutorial - Travel Matte Alpha +

Jeff Dykhouse called me with some questions about a video he was making for his kids Christmas Musical. He needed to learn about the Travel Matte Alpha feature in Final Cut Pro, although he didn't know what it was called. This is a great collection of tricks in FCP, Photoshop and even has a little color correction trick thrown in there too.
Travel Matte Alpha in
Final Cut Pro,

Reader Comments (9)
How are there no comments for this vid??? I just stumbled upon you today and haven't stopped watching your vids for the past hour! Thanks a mill - you've helped more than you know!
Hey Lem... thanks for the kind words... glad the tutorials help... if you have any specific requests or questions... let me know.
Awesome Chris!
Thanks for help and details!
Yeah, I've noticed too that even when you are putting out great content that the vast majority of people will view your stuff but not leave any kind of comment. It can be very disheartening to content creators which is why I am always to leave even just a short comment like "good job - thanks for the work" because it really does make a difference in making sure that we all continue to have access to high quality and FREE materials like the kind Chris is "GREAT job Chris!"
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I also don't usually leave posts, but I'm here too, and love these tuts!
You know what, Photoshop is one of my favorites, I am not an expert at it, though. However, my husband is, and he teaches me how to use it every time I need to. :-)
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Thanx for a nice website and tutorial. :-)
Hi Chris,
Your videos are really great! I have been learning fcp for the only reason that i can't afford to hire somebody. Even though i have little hands on experience, i still watch video before i do anything. But I always wanna make sure i understand what am doing instead of just doing it.
I do have few questions. Not sure if this is the right place to put it, but wanted to post it as a comment so that may helps other finding these questions.
1. I shoot with Canon 5D Mark II. I do Mpeg Streamclip conversion of Apple Prores LT version. It is progressive H264 clip. But in the settings window for Field Dominance i don't see the option NONE but only upper field or lower field first which works only for interlaced video. I wonder if it still does something to my progressive footage. Because it caused a huge problem when i did my very first music video and never paid attention to this field and ended up getting a crappy quality for slow motion even using twixtor. I had to select the clips and change the field dominance to none in fcp but it was overlooked and wasted few days on it.
2. I did a huge mistake in my very first music video which i shot. Musician couldn't remember his master track lyrics. So we had to play a cd player on location and singer is little bit out of sync with the cd audio. Now i got literally two audio recorded in the 5D footage. And i do have a master track to sync with. I had a hell of a work to sync them properly. And the frame rate sucked big time. I should say i have wasted nearly a month, and still am not very happy with the audio sync. Now i just bought quicktime pro and i see my video is 29.97 fps but playing speed is 30fps. Do you think that could be the issue? How do i correct this frame rate issue? Everything is perfectly in sync when i play this video in the timeline but when exporting even without changing any option but export to quicktime and convert to vimeo hd using cram is the workflow. Please help me with the correct workflow on just importing, working in the timeline and exporting after the external audio synching. I would like to see the workflow ONLY for the frame rate and audio sync context. nothing else.
3. I shot with Canon 5D and 7D cameras. It's a nightmare for me to organize two camera footage and i did not know how to use them in a effective way in regards to organize the files, and view the different angle footage simultaneously when editing. I know there is a multicam option exist in fcp. But i don't know it in depth, plus, am not sure on the fly selecting the diff angle is the effective way of editing. Is there any other workflow you have? Please assist.
4. Is there a better workflow when shooting with multi cam ? I mean script writing and executing on location.
5. I do have a zoom H4 recorder. But am not using it effectively. Not even for it's basic purpose. I can't find a good tutorial on that. Could you please direct me? I would like to use my zoom h4 as a second audio recorder while shooting video and sync them before i start my editing, replacing my footage audio captured by 5d. is it possible? (jsut to let you knwo, i don't have the xlr inputs. Just i do have a bose headset and 16gb sd card.)
I am all by myself. I don't have a team or anyone. I am very passionate about what am doing. I am willing to learn a lot related to editing. I know editing bring life to my footage.
Please check out hariharan swaminathan's website and also one of my specialized virtual tour photography and motion where you can see my first music video shot mostly hand held using 5D .
Looking forward to hear your critic and opinion about my work and also your valuable help learning final cut pro editing.
Thanks a whole bunch chris!