Shane Hurlbut is enthusiastic.

Because of the nature of most of the things that I cut I don’t normally get to share them. This is a piece I cut for Shane Hurlbut and Brian Valente from redrockmicro.com. Barry Anderson of Mogo Media shot it with a set of Leica glass. I think the piece looks great.
This, along with all the things I cut from the HDSLR Bootcamp were cut on Premiere Pro CS5.
Reader Comments (3)
I don't think Canon could have asked for someone better to help the HDSLR movement along than Shane.
Dave... I totally agree.... but the thing about it is Shane is just Shane... he's not doing this to pimp for Canon, he's doing it to find better tools for him to tell stories with. He's amazingly inspirational and "real".
The Leica glass gives it a great look.