Ben James learned Premiere Pro!

HDSLR Bootcamp - Team D - Chase Scene from Ben James on Vimeo.
So interesting how social media works. I don’t know Ben but he and I were both at Shane Hurlbut’s HDSLR Bootcamp back in August. I was working at it, he was attending. So we never met. Today Ben sends me a link to his video he cut from the student shot footage at Bootcamp. Ben cut it all in Premiere Pro and said the info on this site was really helpful. Cool how all that works out isn’t it?
Great Job Ben!
Reader Comments (2)
Thanks for posting that Chris! I'm really glad you liked it and I'm even more glad that you had all this mountain of information on your site for me to pull from. It took a little while to get used to PPro versus FCP, but your videos help ease that transition tremendously :) And I do love how social networking works! Wish I would have met you in person at the bootcamp, but I'm glad we've been able to meet virtually! Thanks again for all your hard work with keeping us informed and educated! -Ben
I was the guy on the crutches... We'll meet sometime i'm sure.