X2PPro 015 - Character Generator Quirks

Some quirks in the Character Generator that you need to know so you don’t ruin your lower thirds.
See another way to get After Effects compositions into your Premiere Pro timeline in “AE Comps to PPro”.
Reader Comments (3)
Cool tip! I didn't actually know about that button (perhaps it's new to CS5?) -- I myself usually just duplicate the title in the bin first, then rename... then replace from bin onto timeline, and then edit the text itself. Seems like an unnecessarily long process... but I honestly don't know how else Adobe could have designed it. I mean, most often, when you copy an element, you *do* want it to reference the same thing... oh well.
yea, that button some how jumped off the page for me... I am a notorious "non button pusher" I'm always afraid i'm gonna blow something up. Comes from many years of doing live broadcasting. I was just trolling around the other day and hovered over that and thought... "hmmm, that will be useful"
thx for the input.
Great stuff Chris, I have watched all your PPro videos now. I am a Vegas user and I tried PPro a month ago which was great from the mercury engine aspect but I found all the things that I can do so easily in Vegas are a bit more time consuming in PPro. But you have motivated me to perhaps give it another look. Keep up the podcast with Carl.