Quicktime X - YAY!!!!

WHAT??? No export menu in Snow Leopard's new Quicktime X?
The rumor mills are churning with the idea that the very reason that QTX is void of the export menu is to drive people to use Compressor...
regardless... the idea of TAKING AWAY a feature in the 21st century is unimaginable..
it is a true testament to the bizarre "reality distortion field" that exists inside the Infinite Loop. I would have loved to have been a fly on the wall of the meeting where someone pitched the idea of REMOVING the export menu from QTX, ESPECIALLY since the early reports of what QTX was going to do was to "add features that were previously only available in QTPro" (i.e. Full Screen playback) I can hardly imagine the logic of removing a feature but to imagine the "group think" that harbors the lack of fortitude for someone... ANYONE to stand up and say... "yea, I don't think that is a good idea... won't we be pissing off some really good customers that have been with us for a LONG TIME?"
Now, all that being said... Maybe there is a plan for a QTX Pro, and maybe it will include some really long sought after features and UI tools that QT has long needed... For example... Why has Apple never allowed me a way to create hot spots in my movie to create HREF calls or other links... the capability has been there since about 2000 but apple has NEVER created a UI to allow us to create these kinds of links. Or heres one, in nearly every Flash Player online I can, while watching a video embedded in a web page, hit an icon and have that video take over my screen for full screen playback. Why can't I do that in QT? It it a technological reason, (can't figure it out?), is it a pride issue? (who said that was better... we don't NEED those sour grapes!) Is it a legal reason? (would love to but Flash has a patent on that idea).
Clearly... QT is getting its ass kicked... With the addition of H264 encoding in Flash the quality issue is no more. It is a shame because back in 1990 QT was so far ahead of EVERYTHING else, hell.. back then there WAS nothing else.
am grateful that there was at least enough people thinking that they didn't totally kill QT7 Pro, but SERIOUSLY... what is the end game? What is the motivation for this stupid ass crippled QTX and who were the spineless sods who sat in that meeting and didn't say... "this is dumb, we need to leave the export menu where it is".
I would LOVE to hear a public explanation of why this was done... I'm sure we will never get that explanation, For now, I'm glad I have QT7 Pro still on my drive.
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