Creepy but Cool... Best 5DMK2 Demo Reel Ever?

So i'm cruising thru the other day and I come across this guys demo reel. But its like a movie... he says its a combo of 5DMK2 and Red footage and to tell the truth, I'm not sure which is which but its wicked creepy and engaging...
The main thing I liked about this dudes reel was that IT WAS HIS REEL!!! I mean, I was totally into this Fincher-esque creep fest and then all of a sudden his tag line comes up and basically screams... "HIRE ME"... My first thought is... "holy crap.. you mean you're AVAILABLE?"
This is so much more interesting then your basic, "take a bunch of my old work and cut it to some Crystal Method track". How often do you re-rack a demo reel and watch it again? What do you think?
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