
"Vicky and Sam" is amazing.

Vicky and Sam from Nuno Rocha on Vimeo.

Watch this on the Zacuto Critics season 3 first episode. It was amazing. Great short. You don’t have to watch it but I’m putting it here so that I can always remember it and find it. 


Sometimes you just know.

Recently a very good client of mine sent me one of his projects to do what I do for him. The last 5%. I color correct things, I polish has graphics and I do an audio pass on it. This project was. GREAT. It was light, funny, cute, informative (yea, along with everything else) and I really didn’t feel I wanted to touch it at all, but I did. 

A few weeks later he sent me some of the comments he received about the piece. Unfortunately it was an internal use only piece so I can’t share it with you but the comments were great. I thought I’d share them with you for one reason. Sometimes you think you aren’t doing anything of any significance. but never the less, people are being touched and communicated to.

Here are the comments, (redacted when needed).


Most excellent! 
Thanks for the helpful tips.
Hope you are well!
Love, love, love your quickie video J
Great job Bill. This is a very creative, useful and potentially viral video. You might have to get a bigger email box.
Thanks for sharing!
Hey Bill, I love it!  You look FABulous.
I should pull out my xxxxxxxx and try out your tips.
I’ll definitely share this.
Thanks for sending.  - Michele
I like it! Short, sweet and to the point, so thanks for all the great tips so my videos can be xxxxxxxx!!
Take care and thanks again!
I had no idea you were a “in front of the camera” person as well! I loved watching and shared with a friend. Thanks so much for putting this video together.
I passed this video around to a couple folks on our team, hoping it goes viral internally to improve our flip video skills and get you some exposure too!
Good job Bill!
Great job on the quick xxxxxx video. I’ve passed on to our internal media group – Diane is the Sr Director of the group and she’s already commented …
Nice to hear from you!
Thanks for the xxxxxx tips! J
This is f-f-f-fantastic. I’m going to show it to a few folks and see what they think.
Thanks for doing this.
Haha, awesome tutorial Bill!!
Hope you’re doing well by the way!
May I post this to our TTG CEC Site and put in our newsletter - internal only?
Also, did you send this over to corporate marketing?
 you should send this to all your contacts…. SP Marketing, Enterprise, etc. its GREAT
Thanks for sharing Bill.  I hope all is well.
Very nice!

Bill, are you kidding me?  This is so fantastic!  Is this you?  I will pass along to my team, it’s awesome!

Awesome! The length is perfect. We have a new section called social media tips in 2 minutes. This is perfect for that! It’s all videos
Bill, Are you ok with us linking this to the Resources section of our internal social media site?
Please let me know.



By the way… Bill Rolland is my client and he also was the on camera talent. It is always a pleasure to work with the man and his family.




John Mayer is a film maker?

“A Life In The Day” from John Mayer on Vimeo.


Maybe he and Philip Bloom can do a workshop together.


X2PPro 018 AE to PPro


Wow… learning things everyday but not enough time to share them all… I’ve been busy. This is how you bring AE compositions into PPro.
See my other tutorial on the CG Quirks.




Car chases are cool.

My car chase from Ben Pluimer on Vimeo.

Ben Pluimer, The creator of this video posted on his vimeo page this comment… “Last year I interviewed for a TV job, and they asked me if I had ever directed or shot car chases.  I said yes, went home, shot this, and sent it back to them.
I didn’t get the job.”