"nikenet" - running disks all over the office to facilitate file sharing
"Vertically challenged."
Dennis Freeman about short people
"The French... they build things BIG"
Stan Burns, while standing under the Eiffel Tower in Paris
"I'm too old to sound bad."
40ish Bass Player I met in a Music Store - Discussing why he spends so much on his Bass Rig
"Defies analysis by linear mathematics"
Jeff Dykhouse
"I love all this stuff, I gotta get me some of this." - referring to products on the show
Heather Tietsort - New producer for 18th season of Computer Chronicles
"nonlinear catastrophic structural exasperation; i.e. it was fundamentally fed up with being where it was."
"Submarines are designed by geniouses so that idiots can operate them"
Jackson Hill - creator of Divorce Court
"Viral Marketing Engine" - Dead Head Tapers
John Gilmore - Cofounder of Electronic Frontier Foundation
"Going to war without France on your side is like going deer hunting without your accordian."
Donald Rumsfield, US Defense Secretary on IRAQ War 2003