Discussion > Things I'd Like to see in Premiere Pro
That's very important project.
In fact I don't realy care about what tool I'm using. I use FCP and Premiere just fine... I just choose one that fits the project that I'm working... Sometimes, because the Post will be done by another office I have to deal with the system that works for them, and that ok for me.
But I would like to say that Adobe have been promoving more interchangeble (is that word correct?)....
They are realy worried to let us interchange projects between FCP, PPro and AVID:
And that a "officail" video!
Also they made possible import the FCP shortcuts to PPro, what realy make things much easy to FCP users... that's genius don't you think.

Great tutorials! and thoughts about PPRo. Thank god that in recent itereations Adobe has finally decided to invest in Premiere as a full blown professional editor. They still have a way to go in my opinion. I'd still like to see a more Stable Titler as well some convenience and timesaving tweeks as well as some bug fixes.
A few on my list:
a way to choose a default font for the titler
a better way to select text in the titler
a way to copy transition attributes across mutlitple transitions.
bug fixes
some key frames are not visible in the effects control window if they are at the very end of the clip
the new snapshot feature replaces certain added fonts
Keep the tips coming, I'm learning a lot - thanks!

OK... just for the record... some people have asked me if Adobe is paying me to do this... they are not. I do have friends that work at Adobe and they have shared what I'm doing with other Adobe employees but I'm not getting paid to do the X2PPro stuf... this is my OWN project.
What I would like to do though is create a place where other Premiere Pro users could voice concerns or feature requests... well... actually Adobe has a place for that. (I have to find it) but this is more to disucss the over all issues that we may or may not be finding...
For all I know...
no one will ever see this.