Discussion > Video Database
I organize all my work in to job folders and then files are organized in bins after that. From what I understand... Adobe Bridge has the ability to organize your video files, much the same way something like Lightroom or Aperture organizes your photos.
To be honest... I don't use it... but i've been meaning to play with it a little.

thank you for the input. Will test it. I am very impressed with your web and tutorial. Absolutely fantastic.
Thank you again.

Marek... you should also check on the side bar and click on the tutorial called. "Finding Offline Files"... it outlines a bit of how to orgainize and find things on drives that are OFFLINE...
thx for reading.

Thanks again Chris. Marek

just tried Adobe Bridge. Just wanted to let you know that I tried to assign keywords to one of my clip in MKV file but Bridge will not allow to store XMP metadata to MKV files. The reason I why use MKV capsule (or container) with H.264 codec is that it beautifully compresses the original file without loosing original footage quality. Will keep searching. I may create my own database in Access after all.

I would like to ask anyone, what are you using as a video databas software? I have a tons of my own clips in MKV and looking for a decent database software. All I care about is to be able to index the clips by keywords. Thank you. M.