
NYC - Mindrelic is amazing.

NYC - Mindrelic Timelapse from Mindrelic on Vimeo.


This timelapse is amazing for many reasons, not the least of which is, what must have been an amazing amount of paperwork and permits to pull this off. Also some of the coolest timelapse moves I’ve ever seen. LOVE this piece.
Contact Josh and tell him how much you enjoyed it, I’m assuming you’ll like it as much as I did.

Rollers for Life.

Rollers For Life. from Dylan Lucas Gordon on Vimeo.


Short Documentary, produced for a Documentary class at Brooks Institute of Photography by Dylan Lucas Gordon.
Starring David Hackett, Steve Olson, Jonny Miller, John O’Shei

Make lemonaid.

I’m not sure why this has not been viewed more… but it should be seen.  This morning on the CBS Sunday morning show they stated a statistic of “15,000,000 unemployed”. How can that be?  A country of more than 300,000,000 with 9.8% unemployment rate (which is GROTESQUELY and arguably, CRIMINALLY reported inaccurately, SHOULD have a 30,000,000 unemployment rate. 
Shame on you CBS for soft selling that problem.
Go ahead, prove me wrong.

Simon's Cat is funny.

This made the rounds a few years ago… Simon’s Cat is very funny. But many people have cats that are just like that. Here is a link to a guy who did a timelapse of HIS can. I can’t embed it because he has turned off embedding. But its worth going to look at it here.


Richard Harrington is wicked smart.

Last month I had the pleasure of hanging out with Richard Harrington for an afternoon and this guy seriously SCARES ME… I think he may be an alien from the moon base on the dark side of the moon. (Oh yea, it exists… it MUST, Richard Harrington MUST have come from there. “Post Hoc, Ergo Proptor Hoc?” - Obscure West Wing reference.)
Anyway, this 1 hour walk thru the features of Photoshop CS5 is TOTALLY worth your time if you ever use Photoshop.
Richard… I bow at your feet.