
Karaoke is hard.


Holy crap!!! Was Whitney Houston reincarnated?  This girl BELTS out this song in a supermarket!

My favorite quote from the YouTube comments? “HOLY CRAP!! WHAT JUST HAPPENED!!!!”


Video projection is cool


This is beautiful. 

Here is a company that understands that a “commercial” is not only a 30 second spot.

no comment, just watch

WTC7… Good grief.

You should also watch this compilation of eye witness accounts of all the bombs that were heard at ground zero.

It is near the end of the day… and I am impressed. MANY people have come here to presumably watch this video today. I can’t tell if you DID watch it, but I can hope you did. Reguardless of what you believe happened on 911, it is very difficult to watch this video and not ask a few questions. I FIRMLY believe that we have not been told the truth about the events of that day and where as, you can say, “it doesn’t really matter, a lot of people lost their lives”, if indeed we HAVE been lied to then the lies are on a VERY grand scale, and that will forever fighten me. 

As they used to say on the X-Files, “The Truth is Out There”. I don’t know that we will ever really KNOW the truth and frankly, I don’t think we’d be able to fathom it.

If you are still unsure, do some reading. Google “WTC7 Conspiracy”. Look up “Architechs for 911 Truth”, Hundreds, if not thousands, of architects that say these buildings COULD NOT have collapsed the way we have been told they did. 


We should all be outraged.

How in the world can this be considered constitutional? What law has been broken? What crime do these “officers” accuse these travelers of committing? What is the probably cause for them to search these people who BOUGHT THESE DRINKS IN THE SECURE AREA OF THE AIRPORT!!! This is an “unreasonable search and seisure” as outlined in the 4th Ammendment of a little document we like to call “The Constitution of the United States of America” “which guards against unreasonablesearches and seizures, along with requiring any warrant to be judicially sanctioned and supported by probable cause.”

My first question would be, “What crime are you accusing me of committing?”

And PLEASE will we all just remember that the case against the “liquid bombers” that all of this rediculous paranoia about liquids at the airport was completely thrown out of the courts because there was NO EVIDENCE that the alleged ring leader had done anything wrong and was completely acquitted.

This makes me furious!!!

The TSA in thier “blue shirts” are one tiny hue shift from being “brown shirts”.