
Call Me a Hole - Music is Formula

OK.. this is really interesting, it takes a 1990 NIN song and lays the lyrics against a 2012 bubble gum pop song and wow… its totally worth a listen to. I’m not really familar with the NIN song but it appears to lay against the structure of the Carly Rae Jepsen song very well. If indeed there isn’t a whole lot of editing of the NIN song it goes to show you that the structure of songs doesn’t stray to far from well estabished formulas.


Change is OK

“Change… Embrace it or you’re gonna get run over”

Film to Digital


Cinema5D to planet5D

Having a job to being self-unemployed

Learning…  We live in a  world that is moving a million miles an hour, if you stand still you will just watch it fly by you, and if you’re lucky you won’t get run over. To keep up, it normally means jumping in to the river and grabbing an oar and paddling your heart out.

I hate this meme but, this is “the new normal”. Being complacent means death in our business. 

However, this must, I repeat MUST be tempered with restraint when i comes to purchases, otherwise you’ll never make any money… after all, it IS “Show BUSINESS”. 

In my recent dealings with people learning something beyond FCP7, I am becoming aware of my age and my experience, Many of the editors that I’ve met that don’t want to change have never cut on ANY platform before the advent of FCP7… they have been in this business less then a decade or so.  If that is the case, you are not aware of what things were like in the 90’s or the 80’s. 

Imagine a world before computers, making TV shows… I did it. Now imagine the pain of EMBRACING the idea of putting your video on a COMPUTER… At the time it seemed ridiculous. Now, we can’t imagine making a video any other way. 

Change may not be good, but it is a fact of life.

What is next?

Can we imagine it?

Editing in the cloud?

VR Camera capture?

Full time head mounted POV photography?

Will you be ready for what is next? or, will you pick a place on the side of the road of life, decide, “i’m done, I’ve learned enough.” and set your ass down and watch the show as life, and tech, and progress goes FLYING by you. Becoming a technological Statler and Waldorf and just sit there and complain and heckle about how it USED to be?

Change may not be “good”… but its gonna happen. Embrace it.



Robots are cool. Creme is not.

I LOVE this guys delivery… so dead pan, but I’m not sure how real it is, doesn’t matter, this is HYSTERICAL.

Oreo cookie creme begone.

And then of course, there is part 2. 


Wealth is fleeting.

This is a very well done “inforgraphic” about wealth distribution in America. It does not advocate socialism in anyway shape or form but it does take a very reasonable look at how we THINK wealth is distributed and what is actually the reality of it. Its also very well done. 


I'm gonna make an FCPX wish list...

What would you like to see changed in FCPX?  I thought I’d make a list. Would you care to give me YOUR ideas?